Friday, October 31, 2008

A Problem

Although no action on the site today - thought we would raise a problem we have found.

We happened to be looking at the PD website today, specifically the upstairs "brady bunch" bathroom and noticed our home is different to the display! This upstairs bathroom is situated between two of the bedrooms and has cavity slider doors as access points from each bedroom. The interesting thing is the door openings have been placed a door width away from where they are in the display. If you look at the pic above, the door opening to the right is supposed to be plaster, with the actual opening to the right of that.
Of course our first reaction was "the door openings are in the wrong place"! However, closer inspection of our plans shows that our doors have in fact been placed correctly according to our plans. We find it interesting that this was not pointed out to us on signing- or maybe that is expecting too much? Of course, we didn't pick it up when reviewing our plans either :(

Anyway, this change in door position not a big issue - the issue now revolves around the vanity unit in the pic - it really is too close to the door opening on the right isn't it?
On further review of our plans, we have found the vanity unit has been installed in the wrong spot! It should be further to the left in the pic.
Wonder how we go about getting that fixed?!? Has anyone else had a similar prob?


M&J said...
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M&J said...

Hi Gang, the vanity does look a little close to the opening. Not your problem how hard it is to fix, PD can do alot when they want/need/have to (probably in that order too). Hope its not too big a deal to fix tho.

M&J said...

oops double posted so had deleted one

Toni said...

One set of our ensuite taps had to be moved to the left. David had no waste pipe in his bathroom. Petal's drain pipe thing wasn't under the spa... ..I'm guessing it can be done quite easily!!

But yes the doors would have been better on the other side. I've been through the display a few times so understand what you are saying. Shame it wasn't brought to your attention or picked up.

Good luck.

T&L said...

Hi Guys, we didn't have this problem but they did have to rebuild our ensuite vanity three times because of the cabinet makers stuff ups. You would think at this stage of the build, it wouldn't be too hard to get them to rectify the opening?
I must say, your 'vincenzia walnut' cabinets look great. Good luck with it all.

DeGaul said...

Hi Gang. What was the outcome around your vanity?
Agree with H2B that moving the vanity is NO big deal, but would need to be done soon. Re plumbing to a new location easy.Let us know.
Rest of progress is great.

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