Friday, September 12, 2008

No news is good news?

Well they say no news is good news - so let us give you all some good news...

We have no news.

No brickies to be found, apparently they have all gone away, never to appear again.
Our CS has informed us we can now expect them on Monday, with that good old "weather permitting" clause. She has not let us down yet through the actual site construction so we will remain positive.

Our independent building inspector will be looking over the place in the next couple of days so will be interesting to see what comes up.

..and we hate to inform you all that Zoydberg too is no longer with us. There goes our theories that he was at the bottom of it all, more likely to be the latest batch of food??


DeGaul said...

Hi Gang. I very much share your pain re no brickies. Our house was 2/3s bricked before we lost our brickies, and haven't seen them back in over a week and a half...!!
Further, my SS sent me a text last night saying no brickies until next Wed..! That's 2 weeks of nothing.
And now, as if my week couldn't get worse, Zoydberg has gone.

R&C's Brookvale 45 Home said...

sorry to hear about Zoydberg and the lack of brickies. I certainly know the feeling about nothing happening.


Toni said...

Sorry to hear about Zoydberg, how terrible for the kids.

Bugger about the brickies, wonder where they all are, surely they can't all be working elsewhere????

Anonymous said...

House is grouse, I worked out how to blog, yippee. Had a great time on Sat, catchya soon, love kerrin

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